Manage your Acces Rights
Not every employee should see all analyses. In the personnel master data
you can assign user rights to the employees. For every employee different access
rights can be defined separately for every screen form and every report.
You can choose from three user rights for each form (full access,
read-only access or no access). Additionally reading and writing access rights and
filters limiting the data to be displayed or edited can be defined for every form.
Thus you can determine that an employee has only access to certain projects or he
can see all projects but can only record times for certain projects
Here you can set in the column "Right", whether an employee is allowed
to print and edit the particular report or whether he is only allowed to open certain
report settings without editing or if he is forbidden to display the report generally.
As in the forms, three filters can be defined, limiting the data that
the respective employee is allowed to print.